WHAT DOES travel insurance actually COVER?

Updated: 11/26/21 | November 26th, 2021

Travel insurance is probably the most boring topic when it comes to planning a trip. nobody wants to focus on the worst-case scenario before they even leave home.

Plus, researching insurance is just plain tedious. There is a lot of fine print to scour, requiring you to read over the minutiae of each insurance plan before you pick the one that’s best for you. It’s a hassle.

But it’s also the most important thing you can do before a trip too. should something terrible happen while you’re on the road, you want to have the confidence that your insurance plan will cover you.

While none of us want to imagine getting hurt or robbed or having to cancel our plans, the fact of the matter is that these things happen. It’s rare, but things you don’t expect does happen when you travel.

I never expected to break my camera in Italy.

I never expected to rupture my eardrum scuba diving in Thailand.

I never expected to get stabbed in Colombia.

And while these unfortunate events are few and far between, it’s always better to be safe than sorry (trust me!). medical bills aren’t cheap. emergency evacuations cost tens of thousands of dollars. Unless you have a stockpile of disposable income, chances are you’ll want to buy travel insurance for your next trip.

There are a lot of misconceptions about travel insurance, so you’ll also want to learn everything you can about your plan and the company that is covering you.

Will your plan cover pre-existing conditions?

Is there an age limit or a limit on how long you can be out of your home country?

Will you be able to see doctors for non-emergency visits? What about dental coverage?

There is a lot to learn if travel insurance is new to you.

To help you make sense of it all, I’ll go over what is actually covered by trusted travel insurance plans, so you know what to look for.


What travel insurance DOES Cover

What travel insurance DOES NOT Cover

Our suggested insurance Companies

What travel insurance DOES Cover

Medical Emergencies
Chances are when you think of travel insurance, you’re picturing a medical emergency.

While accidents or serious illnesses while traveling abroad are rare, here’s what you can expect to be covered by a trusted insurance company:

Your hospitalization fees

Surgery costs

Outpatient treatment costs

Visits to registered medical practitioners (relating to your emergency injury)

Prescribed medicines (relating to the injury)

Medical evacuation (usually this is just to a local medical facility unless you have a more comprehensive plan from a company like Medjet. See below for more on evacuation.)

Emergency Evacuation
Medical evacuations due to accidents or natural disasters can cost upwards of $500,000 USD. Naturally, this is where having a solid insurance plan comes in handy. most insurance plans will evacuate you to “the nearest acceptable facility” in case of injury or natural disaster. contrary to popular belief, they don’t have to send you home.

In some cases, you will be repatriated back to your home country if your doctor thinks it necessary though this is rare and usually only occurs in cases where local medical staff can’t provide the assistance you need. That’s why companies like Medjet exist as they ensure you get home and not just to a nearby “acceptable” facility.

Dental Emergencies
As with other medical emergencies, what’s covered here is accidental injury and sudden pain. For example, chipped teeth or a sudden infection.

General checkups are not covered, nor is major dental work that doesn’t relate to an injury or accident sustained abroad. If you just want your teeth cleaned or a new filling, you’ll have to pay for that out of pocket.

Most policies have limited dental coverage when compared to the rest of your medical emergency coverage (usually, it’s under $1,000 USD).

Death Overseas
I know it’s never fun thinking about something like this happening, but knowing that you’re covered will give you and your loved ones’ peace of mind.

Should the worst happen, most insurance plans will cover the costs of a family member coming to get your body to take it home. Some policies will also include cremation services or burial overseas, should that be preferred.

Common exclusions would include death from alcohol or illicit narcotics, suicide, or pre-existing conditions not covered by the plan.

Policies usually offer between $5,000-50,000 USD in death/dismemberment coverage. However, many companies also include no coverage for this. If it’s a priority for you, be sure to purchase a policy from a company that includes death and dismemberment coverage.

Flight Delays and Cancellations
If your flight gets delayed or canceled, you can apply for compensation from your travel insurance provider (assuming the airline doesn’t provide coverage for you). As long as the cancellation or delay is not your fault, you can apply for reimbursement. However, if you miss your flight because you slept in, that doesn’t count as a valid reason!

Be sure to keep all emails, receipts, and correspondence from your airline regarding the delay or cancellation, as you’ll need them to verify your claim and get reimbursed.

Trip Cancellation
If you need to cancel your trip — either before you depart or during your trip — for a verified medical reason, the death of a close relative, or the death of your travel partner, you can apply to get reimbursed from your insurance company.

To verify your claim, be sure to get a note from your doctor if you’re canceling due to illness. If you’re canceling due to a death, you’ll need to submit a copy of the death certificate (as well as other supporting documentation).

Coverage is usually limited to a couple thousand dollars — unless you have a premium plan. For example, world Nomad’s Explorer plan offers upwards of $10,000 USD in trip cancelation coverage while their standard plan offers $2,500 USD.

Lost or Stolen Property
If your bags get stolen while you’re traveling, most travel insurance companies will reimburse you for some or all of the items (there are usually limits on gear like laptops and cameras unless you buy a comprehensive plan with additional coverage). Be sure to file a police report as it will be necessary for making a claim.

Coverage will usually include compensation for delayed baggage or baggage that’s damaged in transit as well.

If your wallet or passport is stolen, some plans will cover the cost of having a new passport or credit card mailed to you (this usually will depend on your residency). If your wallet is stolen with cash in it, you won’t be able to claim the missing cash.

Damaged or Stolen Gear
Most travel insurance plans include coverage for lost or stolen gear, such as laptops, cameras, and mobile phones. However, these high-ticket items usually have a cap on how much you’ll get back (usually under $500 USD per item).

If you’re traveling with expensive gear, you’ll want to pay for supplementary coverage to make sure it’s sufficiently covered. Be sure you have receipts for all your gear as well. keep copies of them in your inbox so if something happens, you can file your claim without having to track down copies.

What travel insurance Does NOT Cover

While every plan is different, here is a list of the most common things that will not usually be covered by your standard or basic travel insurance plan:

Accidents sustained while participating in extreme activities, like hang gliding, paragliding, or bungee jumping (though you can often upgrade to plans that do cover those activities)

Technical climbing or alpine hiking (again, some plans can be upgraded to cover these activities)

Alcohol- or drug-related incidents (including death)

Carelessness in handling your possessions/baggage

Pre-existing conditions. For example, if you have diabetes and need to buy more insulin, you won’t be covered

General checkups for non-emergencies

Stolen cash

Missed flights or connections for reasons under your control

A few other notes about standard policies:

If civil unrest makes your destination unsafe but your government hasn’t called for an evacuation, most insurance companies won’t evacuate you. (Medjet is the exception here. They have the best evacuation coverage.)

Changing your mind about your trip, unfriending or breaking up with your travel partner, and pre-existing medical conditions don’t qualify for most trip cancellation plans

If your visa is refused, you likely won’t be reimbursed if you decide to cancel your trip

A note on COVID-19 (and other Pandemics)

As many travelers learned the hard way, most travel insurance policies do not cover pandemics. until now, that really hasn’t been a concern for most travelers. Heck, prior to this year I never really gave the “pandemic clause” much thought when reading my insurance policies.

However, these days pandemic coverage is at the forefront of every traveler’s mind (and rightly so).

Fortunately, as insurance companies adapt to our new reality, some companies now provide limited coverage for COVID-19 (or other pandemics). This limited coverage usually includes trip cancelation or delay (as is the case with world Nomads, though they also provide some medical coverage as well) or transportation home (as is the case with Medjet). SafetyWing also offers basic COVID coverage as well.

Before you buy a plan anywhere, be sure to read the fine print regarding pandemics and COVID-19. Make sure you fully understand what is and is not included so you can take appropriate action should a situation arise. When in doubt, call them and speak to a representative. Don’t risk your health on assumptions!

Suggested Companies

To help you stay safe on your next trip, here’s a list of the best travel insurance companies:

My favorite travel insurance company is safety Wing. safety Wing offers convenient and economical plans tailoreddigitálním nomádům a dlouhodobým cestujícím. Mají ekonomické měsíční plány, skvělý zákaznický servis a snadno použitelný proces pohledávek, díky kterému je ideální pro ty, kteří jsou na silnici.

Cestovní pojišťovny je třeba zvážit

Nejlepší pro lidi žijící v zámoří

Nejbližší věc k normálnímu zdravotnímu pojištění

K dispozici pro obyvatele mimo USA

Četné plány na výběr

Navštívit stránku

Krátkodobé a roční plány

Rozsáhlé pokrytí lékařské dopravy

K dispozici pro obyvatele USA, Kanady a Mexika

Covid-19 pokrytí

Navštívit stránku

Super ekonomické plány

Základní možnosti pokrytí

Covid-19 pokrytí

Může si koupit v zahraničí

Navštívit stránku

Komplexní plány

Zahrnuje pokrytí pro všechny druhy aktivit a výletů

K dispozici do věku 70 let

Covid-19 pokrytí

Navštívit stránku

Porovnejte plány od 23 poskytovatelů

Nejlepší společnost pro cestovatele nad 65 let

„Kdykoli obhájci“ získejte svůj nárok na druhý pohled, pokud si myslíte, že byl nespravedlivě odepřen

Navštívit stránku

V těchto dnech nikdy neopustím domov bez cestovního pojištění. Když jsem musel v průběhu let několikrát učinit nouzové nároky, naučil jsem se tvrdě, že je vždy lepší být v bezpečí než líto.

Jen si pamatujte, že cestovní pojištění je ziskové odvětví, což znamená, že před zakoupením plánu musíte skutečně provést výzkum. Přečtěte si svůj plán – a drobné tisk – takže víte, co přesně je pokryto a co očekávají, pokud se pokusíte uplatnit nárok.

Udržujte jakékoli příjmy, e -maily a dokumentaci týkající se vaší cesty v samostatné složce ve vaší e -mailové doručené poště. Tímto způsobem můžete snadno uplatnit nárok, pokud potřebujete.

I když se náklady mohou zdát jako hodně předem, když je porovnáte s potenciálními náklady na nouzovou evakuaci nebo statným lékařským účtem, jsou to arašídy.

Většina pojistných plánů stojí jen pár dolarů denně, což vám poskytuje – a vaše přátele a rodinu – klid v tomto procesu. Pokud se mě zeptáte, jsou to dobře utracené peníze. Pomocí níže uvedeného widgetu získejte dnes pokrytí:

Bezpečnostní křídlo-logo
Pojištění, které vás pokrývá kamkoli jdete.
Věkové rozpětí 0–39 let 40-49 let starých50-59 let staré 60-69 let staré cestování v USA? Pokrytí, které zahrnuje cestování do území USA a USA. Nevztahuje se na občany USA.

Specifická data cestování? Když si místo předplatného vyberete nastavené data cestování, zaplatíte za celou cestu předem. Minimálně 5 dní, maximálně 364 dní.

Datum zahájení
Datum ukončení

/ 4 týdny (28 dní)

Kup nyní

Jak cestovat po světě za 50 $ denně

Můj nejprodávanější průvodce brožovaným průvodcem po World Travel vás naučí, jak zvládnout umění cestování, abyste se dostali z vyšlapané cesty, ušetřili peníze a měli hlubší zážitek z cestování. Je to váš průvodce plánováním A až Z, který BBC nazval „Bible pro cestovatele rozpočtu“.

Kliknutím sem se dozvíte více a začněte jej číst ještě dnes!

Zarezervujte si svůj výlet: Logistické tipy a triky
Zarezervujte si let
Najděte levný let pomocí SkysCanner. Je to můj oblíbený vyhledávač, protože prohledává webové stránky a letecké společnosti po celém světě, takže vždy víte, že žádný kámen nezůstane bezúhon.

Zarezervujte si ubytování
Svůj hostel si můžete zarezervovat pomocí hostelworld. Pokud chcete zůstat někde jinde než hostel, použijte Booking.com, protože neustále vracejí nejlevnější sazby pro hostující domy a hotely.

Nezapomeňte na cestovní pojištění
Cestovní pojištění vás ochrání před nemocí, zraněním, krádeží a zrušením. Je to komplexní ochrana v případě, že se něco pokazí. Nikdy jsem nejezdil na výlet bez toho, protože jsem ho v minulosti musel mnohokrát používat. Moje oblíbené společnosti, které nabízejí nejlepší služby a hodnotu, jsou:

SafetyWing (nejlepší pro všechny)

Pojistěte moji cestu (pro ty nad 70)

MedJet (pro další pokrytí evakuace)

Jste připraveni rezervovat si cestu?
Podívejte se na moji stránku zdrojů, kde můžete použít nejlepší společnosti při cestování. Uvádím všechny ty, které používám, když cestuji. Jsou to nejlepší ve třídě a vy se na své cestě nemůžete pokazit.